
John Arthur Nichol

About the Leanpub Publishing Platform

Leanpub is an ebook publishing platform. It looks like a site for computer books, but don't be put off by that (if you're a computer book reader, disregard that last - no offence was intended 😊). Anyone can publish any kind of book on Leanpub - and I've found it perfect for my needs as an author of smile-inducing verse that's waiting for its proper outfit to arrive.

This is a quote from the Leanpub website:

If you buy a Leanpub book, you get free updates for as long as the author updates the book! Many authors use Leanpub to publish their books in-progress, while they are writing them. Anyone who buys a book at Leanpub gets free updates, regardless of when they bought the book or how much they paid.

You can read Leanpub ebooks on any device, too, because they don't include DRM (copy protection).

My finished books of limericks are there, plus two new Sascha Martin adventures.

Sascha Martin's Zombie Dust is the book that had to be, and it begins in the awful, ridiculous aftermath of Sascha Martin's Super Ball. I've written a blog post about Zombie Dust - or you can go straight to Leanpub and check out the book itself. Look for the Leanpub Community Edition, too. It's a free preview of the book that you can download.

Sascha Martin's Pitchy Witch is also debuting on Leanpub. It's a lo-o-o-o-ng, standalone story. Check out the free Community Edition of this one, too.

Zombie Dust and Pitchy Witch are complete stories, but as yet they lack a cover and illustrations. Until these are in place, the books will be exclusive to Leanpub. Later on, both books will  be available in print and on the other ebook platforms as well.

If you've bought them on Leanpub, of course, you'll receive every update as it happens, all the way to the finished product 😊