Work continues on episodes of the podcast. When I started this I didn’t appreciate how many obstacles I’d be facing. Surely, I thought, I can record myself reading the stories.

I’m not an actor, though. I’m not a performer, and I’m not an audio engineer.

But I am a huge self-critic, and the internal voice is forever damning my speech, my expression, my technical skills and my editing. It’s constantly rubbishing the entire project. All I want to do is get these stories out there in an accessible form - short audio episodes to fit into busy routines - to see if there’s an audience for them. But in my mind I’m comparing them to the BBC.

I didn’t think I had to voice actual characters. I thought I could just read their lines expressively. But as I go on I find myself wanting real voices for Sascha and Luca, Aggie, Aisha and the indomitable, insufferable Mary-Alice. I have a Sascha voice that I don’t much like, and a Mary-Alice tone that sometimes hits right.

Recently I asked someone to be the voice of Aisha, and I loved her accent. But she’s wandered off to other endeavours, leaving me with just four bites of dialogue in a single episode. I’ll have to record those bites again, in my own voice.

It’s science on the fly as Sascha crafts a critically cataclysmic collision of cosmic consequence, and suddenly it’s the girls they’re all afraid of. Sascha Martin’s Zombie Dust.

Where can you run, on a mountain made of balls? How do you hide from a drooling girl?

It’s all slippery slopes and midnight cravings as Sascha battles a pair of apocalypses only he could have created.

A Wee Bit of Integrity and the Whole Cover Issue

A Wee Bit of Integrity is my book of limericks based on the Irish TV show that I loved, called Derry Girls.

I wanted to use some of the show’s imagery on the book’s cover, and wrote to Channel 4 in the UK (many times) to seek their permission. They’re the copyright holders, but I also wrote to Hat Trick, the production company, and even tried to contact Lisa McGee, who wrote the series.

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Books by John Arthur Nichol: Paperback ISBNs

Six of my books are available in paperback, as print-on-demand through Lightning Source and Ingram. The easiest way to buy them is to enquire at your favourite bookseller, and quote the ISBN (International Standard Book Number).

To make it easier, I've listed them below.

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Sascha Martin's Ripping News: Teaser Episode 3

Sascha Martin’s Ripping News: the Podcast, by John Arthur Nichol

Teaser Episode 3: Sascha Martin’s Gobbly Goo, Part Three

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Sascha Martin's Ripping News: Teaser Episode 2

Sascha Martin’s Ripping News: the Podcast, by John Arthur Nichol

Teaser Episode 2: Sascha Martin’s Gobbly Goo, Part Two

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Sascha Martin's Ripping News: Teaser Episode 1

Sascha Martin’s Ripping News: the Podcast, by John Arthur Nichol

Teaser Episode 1: Sascha Martin’s Gobbly Goo, Part One

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This should toot.

still testing

First Post

First Post

which was actually the name of a wartime publication by the 1st Battalion, 2nd AIF (the City of Sydney Regiment).